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How much storage capacity are you
wasting on inactive data?
Request a free Data Discovery Audit
Find out how much capacity you could recoup from primary servers, backups and cloud and how much money you could save.
Over 80% of all enterprise data has not been accessed in over a year. With multi-cloud adoption on the rise, Cloud storage is also being wasted on copies of that same inactive, high-value data you can’t afford to lose. Stop throwing money away and find out how to slash your storage costs by reducing storage waste.
We'll analyze the storage profiles for up to three servers and a maximum of ten repositories (folder or logical drive) spread over those servers, and then send you a report with the highlights (see example).

FREE Data Discovery FAQ
How long does it take? No more than an hour to setup, then 30 mins per resource
What does report show? How much inactive data you could offload to save capacity
What else will we learn? When to expect the examined drive to become 100% full
Can you filter by file type? Yes, we can include or ignore any file types you like
Need access to my servers? Anyone with local administrator access can run the analysis
Will you copy any data? No. Discovery is passive analysis of file demographics
No thanks, I like wasting my storage budget