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Why restorVault?

restorVault virtualization reduces the total cost of storage, protection, compliance and access for your business' highest value data


Lower Storage Needs

restorVault intelligent virtualization can free up over 80% of server storage for business critical data while providing transparent, on-demand access to the inactive or archived data stored in restorVault.

Ransomware Immunity

restorvault object WORM storage is impervious to ransomware while virtual data files shield restorVault data from attacks and can restore access to millions of files in minutes reducing downtime by 10x.


restorVault exceeds regulatory compliance requirements with in-flight and at rest data encryption and incorruptible WORM (Write Once Read Many) storage with additional built-in data integrity verification.

Multi-Cloud Access

There is no need to replicate data to the cloud. By using VDFs, any multi-cloud server can access your data securely over encrypted tunnels without requiring extra layers of software.

Get in Touch

9920 Pacific Heights Blvd., Suite 150  

San Diego, CA 92121

(858) 381-0432

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