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Bill Tolson
4 days ago6 min read
How Data Virtualization Drives Cost Optimization and ROI
This blog explores six specific ways data virtualization helps organizations reduce costs, drive efficiencies, and realize measurable ROI.

Bill Tolson
Feb 15, 20247 min read
Why Multi-cloud Storage Virtualization Matters for CIOs and CISOs
As a CIO or CISO, you manage complex data requirements that involve balancing innovation with efficiency, productivity with employee...

Bill Tolson
Jul 20, 20237 min read
Don't Let Inactive Data Consume Your SharePoint OnLine Storage
Many organizations still utilize on-premises file shares to store, manage, and share their department documents, inactive files, and...

Bill Tolson
May 31, 20236 min read
Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Data: Discovering the Benefits of Storage Virtualization
In today's data-driven world, organizations face a growing challenge in managing and storing and managing vast amounts of information...
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